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5 Money-Saving Shopping Tips



May. 06, 2024
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5 Money-Saving Shopping Tips

Have you already squeezed every last penny out of your budget? Maybe not. Thanks to free-market capitalism, consumers can choose from a wide variety of products at a wide range of prices pretty much any time they want to buy something. Unlike investing, saving money on purchases doesn't require any specialized training and is an easy way for anyone to stretch their budget a little further.

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No matter your income level, you can give yourself more breathing room by becoming a savvy shopper. Here are five tips to help you get started.

Key Takeaways

  • End-of-season sales and special sale dates, like Black Friday, offer big savings to consumers.
  • Buying in bulk can save money, but be mindful of perishables that may expire.
  • Bartering for goods and services might be unusual but is worth trying.
  • Buying used items and fixing them yourself is often cheaper than purchasing new ones.
  • Saving money on consumer goods takes effort but can save hundreds of dollars yearly with good planning and research.

Tip 1: Make the Store Your Last Choice

Most people's default response is to go to a store anytime they need something, but that's not the only way to obtain a needed item. Ask yourself the questions below about the desired item.

Can I Find the Item for Free?

If you don't need something right away, and you usually don't, it's worth searching on community ad sites like Craigslist or Kijiji. Another idea? Sign up for some local Freecycle groups, and ask around to see if anyone you know is getting rid of whatever you want.

Can I Borrow It?

Many home improvement stores have tools you can rent. Likewise, instead of spending money on the latest bestseller novel that you will probably only read once, head down to your local library and see if you can borrow the book.

This tactic can be a great money-saver for any item that you use infrequently or will only need to use once. For example, if you only need to use a drill once a year when you change apartments and have to reinstall your curtain rods, you can simply borrow a drill from someone else.

Tip 2: Negotiate Price When Possible

Ask About Discounts

While some prices are non-negotiable, there are often opportunities to negotiate, especially when there's room for flexibility. For example, ask for a discount if an item is cosmetically damaged.

If a salesperson wants you to buy a bunch of extras with a new computer or phone plan, ask for a discount.

If you're buying an item from a private seller, you can always negotiate. Negotiation is standard practice for such purchases, and the initial price is often higher than the seller's minimum acceptable amount.

Barter for It

Bartering can be complicated because many people are not accustomed to doing it, and it may be hard to find someone who wants the service or goods you have to offer in exchange for what another person is selling.

If you have some valuable items or services to offer, it’s worth asking. Even if the other party isn’t willing to barter for the entire item, they may at least reduce the price in exchange for an hour of your expertise.

Tip 3: Time Your Purchase

Waiting to purchase until you need something might lead to paying full price. A bit of advanced planning can save you a lot. Here are some points to consider.

Will This Item Go on Sale?

If you want a new electronic device, like an iPhone, you may have to wait for a lower price. Usually, once a newer model comes out, the regular price will drop as supply increases and demand drops.

As new items become more popular, even if they don’t officially go on sale, you may be able to get a good deal on Amazon or eBay. Black Friday sales are also a good time to score expensive or popular items.

Certain everyday items, like groceries, toiletries, and cosmetics, will always go on sale sooner or later. This provides an opportunity for you to stock up when your favorite brands are discounted.

For anyone not closely tracking the latest fashion trends, clothes are best purchased during end-of-season sales, even if it means you don’t get much use out of them until the following year.

Is There a Coupon?

Combining sales with coupons can lead to significant savings. eBay is a great source of coupons, such as ten buy-one-get-one-free coupons of your favorite deodorant. The coupons might cost you $2.50 total, including postage, but if you use all 10, your net savings on a $3 stick of deodorant will be at least $27.50 plus tax.

If you have time to look through a few pages of content, sites that offer free printable coupons, like, could be a good option for you too.

When shopping online, search for the store’s name plus “coupon code” before making a purchase. Many sites advertise coupon codes to give consumers a break.

Sometimes you’ll enter coupon codes to no avail, but sometimes you’ll get lucky and get some savings like $5 off shipping fees or 20% off your entire purchase. It’s always worth taking a few minutes to look.

Finally, apps like Rakuten and Ibotta offer cashback on items ranging from groceries to clothing to hotels and much more.

Can I Find It Cheaper Somewhere Else?

It’s usually a bad idea to buy an item at the first place you see it. It’s very likely it is cheaper somewhere else. For expensive purchases where you can save a lot by comparing prices, and for situations like online shopping where it’s straightforward to compare prices, the extra time and effort are worth it.

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However, don't bother if you won’t save much or are likely to waste a lot of time, gas, and money by shopping around. If you’re pressed for time, you can avoid shopping around altogether by doing all your shopping at stores that regularly offer bargain prices. This way, you'll already be confident you’re getting a good deal.

Tip 4: Find a Substitute

If the item you want to buy doesn’t fit into your budget, think about similar but less expensive alternatives. Understanding the real reason behind a purchase can help you brainstorm ways to achieve the same result more affordably.

Similar But Less Expensive

For example, if you’re worried about being bored during a long flight, you may want to buy a spare battery for your laptop so you can get some work done. In this case, your primary concern isn’t getting more work done but rather finding a way to occupy your time.

Instead of buying that extra battery, you could use your laptop on the most energy-efficient setting until the battery runs out, then spend the rest of the flight reading a library book.

Make a Wish List

Wish lists can go a long way toward preventing impulse buying. By keeping a never-ending wish list, a person is less likely to buy items that haven’t been contemplated for at least a month, which provides sufficient time to decide whether the item is a necessity or just a want.

It’s not worth signing up for store credit cards just to get the discount they offer. Store credit cards usually come with high APRs and misleading terms that can cost you a lot down the road unless you are vigilant about paying your bill on time.

If saving money isn't motivation enough, consider the opportunity cost of buying an item. Maybe that new suit or purse isn’t worth it when you could use the money towards a vacation.

Tip 5: Expand Your Shopping Universe

If you usually head straight to your favorite website, specialty store, or the mall when you need to buy something, consider these other shopping options that can save you a great deal of money.

Alternative Venues

Garage, moving, and estate sales offer various items at much lower prices than retail stores. These sales benefit items not necessarily needed immediately, like canning jars, dishes, or a jewelry organizer.

This also applies to practical products. Don’t expect to find everything at these sales, but check them out occasionally to add value to your shopping budget.

Buying in Bulk

Consider big-box discounters as a source for the same products you usually buy at more expensive, specialized stores.

You may not have thought of the drugstore as a specialty store, but when you compare their regular prices to those at discount stores like Costco, Sam’s Club, and BJ’s Wholesale, you might change your mind. Even on inexpensive items like shampoo and toothpaste, drugstore prices can be significantly higher.

As a bonus, you can knock out several visits to smaller stores with one visit to a big box store, saving you time. But keep in mind that it doesn’t always make sense to buy in bulk.

Costco, Sam’s Club, and BJ’s all charge annual membership fees that can easily offset your yearly savings. Many people can’t use an extra-large container of pretzels before they go stale.

How Can I Save Money on Shopping Each Month?

Ways to save on shopping each month include buying items on sale, shopping at outlet stores, using online tools to search for coupon codes and discounts, purchasing non-perishable items in bulk, shopping once a month, signing up for loyalty programs and rewards cards, and buying generic products instead of brand name products.

How Can I Save Money on Groceries?

Ways to save money on groceries include using the store’s reward card, clipping coupons, subscribing to the loyalty program, buying on sale, buying generic products rather than brand names, comparison shopping, sticking to your shopping list, becoming a member of a wholesale club, and buying non-perishables in bulk.

How Can You Save Money When Shopping on Amazon?

To save money when shopping on Amazon, sign up for the “Subscribe and Save” feature, use Amazon Prime's free trial period, utilize Amazon’s Family Program, shop items with associated coupons

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