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Typhoid Test at Home (Widal Test)

Sep. 09, 2024
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Typhoid Test at Home (Widal Test)

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You will provide
Blood Sample

This test is for both
Male, Female

Test Preparation
No specific preparation is needed


What is Typhoid Test (Widal test)?

Typhoid Test (Widal test) is a blood test which identifies Enteric fever (Typhoid fever and Paratyphoid fever). Enteric fever is a systemic infection triggered by means of bacteria, generally through ingestion of contaminated food or water. This test is carried out with the use of the Tube agglutination method.

Why is Typhoid Test (Widal test) performed?

The test is performed to detect Enteric fever (Typhoid and Paratyphoid fever).

What does Typhoid Test (Widal Test) Measure?

The typhoid test measures the titres of antibodies in opposition to the bacteria which leads to Enteric fever. Enteric fever is brought about by bacterial infection and is of two types:

Typhoid fever - It is induced through Salmonella enterica serotype Typhi (S. Typhi).

Paratyphoid fever - It is induced through Salmonella enterica serotypes Paratyphi A (S. Paratyphi A), Paratyphi B (S. Paratyphi B) or Paratyphi C (S. Paratyphi C).

Typhoid and paratyphoid fever are usually gotten when you consume food or water, contaminated by means of faeces of an acutely convalescent individual (recovering from disease) or a chronic, asymptomatic carrier.

The incubation length (the time interval between exposure to an infection and the surfacing of the first symptoms) of Enteric fever is 6-30 days. Typhoid fever has a gradual start. In the beginning, there is a growing feeling of fatigue alongside a fever which will increase with each passing day. By the fourth or fifth day, the fever may change from low-grade to as high as 102°F - 104°F (38°C - 40°C). Known as the Stepladder fever pattern, this used to be the hallmark symptom of Typhoid however, is now witnessed in very few cases. The patient may as well go through a headache, weakness, and loss of appetite. Abdominal pain, diarrhoea, or constipation is common but not threatening. A transient rash of rose-coloured spots can sometimes be viewed on the trunk (Rose Spots).

The sickness can last for a month, if untreated. Early detection and treatment are necessary as life-threatening complications of typhoid fever normally happen after 2-3 weeks of sickness and may cause intestinal bleeding or perforation.


If the antibody against Salmonella exists in the patient's serum, it will react with the particular antigen in the reagent and give clear agglutination at the bottom of the test tube after approximately 18 hours. The best dilution of the patient's serum sample that offers a clear agglutination with the Widal test antigen suspensions is the antibody titre. The serum sample which displays a titre of 1:80 or more for O agglutination and 1:160 or more for H agglutination shows active infection. An increase in titres (4-fold or more) in the two blood samples taken 10 days separately confirms the diagnosis. Please note that different labs may have different reference values for the interpretation of the Widal test. The interpretation of a typhoid test (Widal test) is extensively influenced by the nature and extent of the patient's preceding contact with typhoid antigens. It can be both due to clinical or subclinical infections with typhoid or related organisms or from typhoid vaccination.


Q. How is this test carried out?

This test is carried out on a blood sample. A syringe with an exceptional needle is used to withdraw blood from a blood vessel in your arm. The healthcare issuer will tie an elastic band around your arm to make the blood vessels swell with blood. This makes it easier to withdraw blood. You may as well be requested to tighten your fist. Once the veins are really visible, the place is cleaned with an antiseptic solution and then the needle is inserted into the blood vessel to take the sample. You will feel a tiny pinprick in the course of the procedure. Blood sample once taken will then be sent to the laboratory.

Q. Is there any risk related to this test?

There is no risk related to the test. However, in view that this test entails a needle prick to withdraw the blood sample, in very uncommon cases, an affected person may experience increased bleeding, hematoma formation (blood series below the skin), bruising or infection at the place of needle prick.

Q. Is there any preparation needed prior to the test?

Inform the medical doctor about the medicines you may have been taking. No specific preparations are needed prior to this test.

Q. What are the different methods for carrying out Typhoid test (Widal test)?

Widal test can be carried out by way of the following two specific methods:

1. Quantitative Slide Test Qualitative Slide Test Slide agglutination Widal test

2. Tube agglutination Widal test. Tube agglutination is the endorsed method as it has more accuracy. However, Slide agglutination is preferred as it offers a fast result.

If you want to learn more, please visit our website typhoid test at home.

The tube agglutination method requires about 18 hours for test completion.

Q. What are the limitations of Typhoid test (Widal test)?

The limitations of Widal test are:

Previous typhoid vaccination may cause multiplied antibody titres in the non-infected individuals False positive Widal test can occur in patients with non-enteric Salmonella infection, for instance, Typhus, Immunological disorders, chronic liver disease, Malaria and cryptococcal meningitis Prior use of antibiotics can have an effect on antibody response giving a low titre in the Widal test even in the presence of bacteriologically verified typhoid fever The Widal agglutination titre varies with the geographic region primarily based on the incidence of Salmonella infection in that place Past infection with serotype Typhi or any other nontyphoidal Salmonella serotype as well result in false positive Widal test

Q. How can you stop typhoid fever?

Avoiding contaminated food and drinks can assist in preventing typhoid fever. Appropriate vaccination against typhoid fever can also keep a check on any possible case of infection.

Q. What are the other tests to check for Enteric fever?

The other tests that are used to diagnose Enteric fever cover the Blood lifestyle test, the Widal test, the Stool culture test, and the Urine culture test. Among these, blood culture is the most regularly recommended method for diagnosing Enteric fever and is carried out during the first week of fever. If in case other test results are inconclusive, then bone marrow samples can be used to diagnose any infections.

Q. What is the suitable time during illness for carrying out this test?

A widal test needs to be done after the first week of fever. The reason is, that the antibodies against &#;O&#; and &#;H&#; antigens of Salmonella begin to show in the blood of patients by the end of 1st week, with a sharp rise in the second and third week and the antibody titre remains steady till the fourth week after which it may start declining. It is preferable to test two blood samples at an interval of 7 to 10 days to prove rising antibody titres.


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Typhoid Tests Information: Price, Symptoms & Causes

In most developing countries, typhoid fever is one of the most important health concerns. The estimated incidence of typhoid fever is around 540 per population.

According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), the annual burden of typhoid fever around the globe is approximately 11-20 million resulting in around 1,28,000 - 1,61,000 deaths per year. With such rapidly increasing cases of typhoid across the globe, it is important that you know about typhoid fever, its symptoms, the test used for typhoid detection, and its cost. So make sure you read through this article completely to know all about typhoid, its diagnosis and treatment.

What are the symptoms of typhoid?

The incubation period of typhoid fever is around 7-14 days, that is, it takes 7 to 14 days for the symptoms of Salmonella typhi infection to appear in your body. The group of people who do not have access to safe water and sanitation is more prone to developing typhoid fever. The most common typhoid symptoms are:

  • Headache
  • Fatigue
  • Nausea
  • High-grade fever
  • Weakness
  • Loss of appetite
  • Weight loss
  • Constipation
  • Swollen abdomen
  • Skin rashes 

Typhoid is a leading health problem around the world. The causative agent of typhoid fever is the bacterium Salmonella typhi. The bacterium is generally spread through contaminated water and food. Typhoid fever is a leading cause of morbidity in the urban and peri-urban populations. The early diagnosis of typhoid fever can make its treatment possible thereby reducing its mortality rate. Read this article to know about the typhoid diagnosis test.

What are the causes of typhoid fever?

The main causative agent of typhoid fever is Salmonella typhi. In most of the cases, patients get infected with the bacteria when they are travelling and further spread it through faecal-oral route. The most common ways by which you can get infected with the bacterium include:

  • The bacterium can be passed by an infected person through their urine or faeces.
  • You can get infected by consuming food handled by a typhoid infected individual.
  • If an infected individual hasn&#;t washed the toilet properly after using, then that can also facilitate the spread of the bacterium.
  • Drinking water contaminated with the bacteria can also infect you.

It is not necessary that typhoid is spread through people who show symptoms of infection only. Many times, people who have undergone antibiotics treatment for typhoid, may still continue to spread infection. Such individuals are known as the chronic carriers of typhoid as they no longer show symptoms of typhoid fever but are still able to spread the bacteria to other people.

Which test is done for typhoid detection?

The diagnostic tests used for typhoid detection are:

IgM test

In this method, the IgM antibodies specific to the bacterium Salmonella typhi are detected. It is used for detecting the markers at an early stage. The test can detect typhoid fever around 2-3 days after the onset of the symptoms.

Blood culture

It is the gold standard method for the diagnosis of typhoid fever. This method requires the isolation and identification of the bacteria from your sample for testing. The blood culture test gives the best results if it is performed within one week of the onset of the symptoms. Better results are obtained through multiple blood cultures using larger sample volumes.

Real-time PCR

Real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is a molecular test that is used for the diagnosis of typhoid fever. The test is generally conducted within the first 5 days of the onset of symptoms.

Widal test

The most common test that you might have heard for typhoid is the Widal test. But unfortunately, this test is not used for the diagnosis of typhoid fever in the laboratory. This is because the Widal test developed in the s can give inaccurate results due to cross-reactivity with other infectious agents. It is the most common rapid serological test for the diagnosis of typhoid fever. It works on the principle of biochemical agglutination. It detects the presence of O and H serum agglutinins in the serum collected from your blood sample. Widal test can be performed using two different methods, that is, the slide method and the tube method. 

Purpose of the Typhoid test

Your healthcare provider may recommend the typhoid test based on your symptoms. The purpose of the Typhoid test is:

  • To diagnose and confirm growing Salmonella typhi in your blood sample.
  • Typhoid symptoms are similar to other fevers, so the test helps to confirm whether the symptoms are due to typhoid fever.
  • Early detection may help to know the severity of the disease and help you get treated on time.

Preparation for Typhoid Test 

The typhoid test does not require any special preparation, but there are some general guidelines you should keep in mind before taking the test;

  • The test does not require fasting; you can eat and drink as usual before the test.
  • Know your doctor about any medications you take.
  • Follow the instructions provided by your healthcare expert to avoid any discrepancies in the test. 

The procedure of the Typhoid Test

The typhoid test can be done through two methods: blood tests and stool culture tests. Here is the general procedure for a typhoid test;

  • Blood test: Sit comfortably and relax; your phlebotomist will take the blood sample from the vein of your arm. The healthcare provider will tie a band to make the vein more visible and then clean the arm area with an antiseptic. After that, the lab expert will collect the blood sample in a test tube. After collecting the sample, they will put in a cotton gauze and bandage to stop bleeding.
  • Stool Test: Your healthcare provider will give you a container to collect the stool sample. Wash your hands, collect the sample in the container, and seal it. Give it to your healthcare provider for further testing. 

What do the Typhoid Test reports indicate?

The Typhoid test is used to diagnose typhoid fever. After sample collection, the reports will be available within 12 hours. The test reports will show reactive and not reactive results:

  • Reactive Results: The reactive test results indicate the high titers of anti-O and anti-H antibodies, which shows the presence of Salmonella typhi. 
  • Not reactive Results: The test results indicate the absence of Salmonella typhi antibodies in the blood, which means you don't have typhoid. 

What if the test reports are positive?

The positive test reports indicate the widal test, which suggests the presence of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi bacteria in your blood. You might feel symptoms like fever, body aches, red spots on your body, or loss of appetite. The symptoms take 5-6 days to go away. Consult your reports with your doctor; your doctor is the right person who can analyze your condition and prescribe your medicines. Take your medications regularly and eat a healthy diet for speedy recovery.

Tips to Manage Typhoid 

Here are some tips to reduce the symptoms and body weakness and to get well soon. 

  • Take your prescribed medications regularly.
  • Keep yourself hydrated with electrolytes, fruit juices, etc.
  • Take a balanced and nutrition-rich diet. 
  • Take rest to allow your body to recover.
  • Avoid eating fast foods.
  • Consult with your healthcare provider from time to time.

What is the typhoid test price?

The typhoid test price can vary depending upon the place where you are getting your test done and the diagnostic lab as well. At Redcliffe Labs, the cost of a typhoid fever test is approximately Rs 400/-. 

Typhoid Test Price in Different Cities - Redcliffe Labs

City NameDiscounted PriceDelhi&#;400Ahmedabad&#;400Mumbai&#;400Bangalore&#;400Noida&#;400Pune&#;400Lucknow&#;400Hyderabad&#;400Chennai&#;400Gurgaon&#;400Jaipur&#;400Faridabad&#;400Indore&#;400Patna&#;400


Typhoid fever is a very common disease in India. The early detection of typhoid not only aids in its treatment but also helps in controlling the spread of the infection. Typhoid is generally a foodborne disease, that is, it spreads through contaminated food and water. Now that you know the symptoms and diagnosis of typhoid fever, make sure that you get yourself tested immediately if you observe these symptoms in yourself. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • Can CBC test detect typhoid?

CBC or complete blood count tests done during typhoid will only show an increase in the number of white blood cells (WBCs). A more specific test is required for the confirmatory diagnosis of typhoid fever. These tests include widal test, IgM test, blood culture, and real-time PCR.

  • Which test is done for diagnosis of typhoid in the first week?

Real time polymerase chain reaction, that is, real time PCR is used for the diagnosis of typhoid within the first 5 days of appearance of symptoms.

  • What is the normal range for typhoid test?

The normal range for typhoid test name widal test is less than 1:20, 1:40, 1:80, or 1:160.

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