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Loop Tack Fixture ASTM D6195 - G1098 - Mark-10



Sep. 23, 2024
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Loop Tack Fixture ASTM D - G - Mark-10

If you want to learn more, please visit our website Cell Instruments.

Mark-10 defines accuracy as a percentage of full scale of the instrument. To determine the measurement error as an actual load value, multiply the accuracy percentage by the instrument&#;s capacity.

Example 1 &#; M5-50 force gauge:

The accuracy is ±0.1% of full scale (FS). Multiply ±0.1% by 50 lbF, which equals ±0.05 lbF. This means that any displayed reading may be higher or lower by up to 0.05 lbF. For example, if the displayed value is 30.00 lbF, the true reading will be &#;29.95 lbF and &#;30.05 lbF.

Example 2 &#; Plug & Test® indicators and sensors:

The accuracies of the sensor and the indicator must be added together. Models 7i and 5i indicators have accuracy values of ±0.1% FS, while the Model 3i is rated at ±0.2% FS. Using the example of a Series R50 torque sensor with Model 3i indicator, add ±0.35% to ±0.2%, which equals ±0.55%. In a specific example for the Model MR50-12, the accuracy becomes ±0.55% x 135 Ncm = ±0. Ncm.

Percentage of Reading:

Because of these fixed errors, lower measured values will be more inaccurate as a percentage of reading.

Further using the example of an M5-50 force gauge, a fixed error of ±0.05 lbF represents a higher error as a percentage of reading for a load of 1.00 lbF than 30.00 lbF.

To calculate the error as a percentage of reading, divide the fixed error by the measured value. For a 1.00 lbF load, the fixed error equals ±0.05 ÷ 1.00 lbF = ±5% of reading. For a 30.00 lbF load, the fixed error equals ±0.05 ÷ 30.00 lbF = ±0.17% of reading.

If you want to learn more, please visit our website loop tack test equipment.


Because of the relationship between load and accuracy, we recommend selecting an instrument capacity as close as possible to the maximum measured load.

Standard Method for Loop Tack Test

Standard Method for Loop Tack Test

Loop Tack Test is one method to measure the tack strength of adhesive tapes and pressure sensitive adhesives. ASTM D describes a method (using tensile Tester) to make use of a specimen strip 7 in. (175 mm) in length. Both the FINAT FTM 9 &#;Quick Stick&#; Tack Measurement Test and the TLMI L-IB2 Tensile Tester Loop Tack Test also use a specimen strip of that length.

Another method is to use a single purpose machine, Loop Tack Tester, while it is uncommonly the sole test of any manufacturer.

If you have a Tensile Testing Machine or universal Testing Machine, you can also perform many other common adhesive and material tests such as 90 degree peel adhesion tests, 180 degree peel adhesion tests, and standard tensile strength testing.

Here is a short video of loop tack test for adhesive tapes using Labthink Tensile Testing Machine.

Want more information on Inclined Plan Coefficient Of Friction Tester supplier? Feel free to contact us.



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